January 2001
Camino de Santiago
After my workcamp near Vichy, France I made my way to the French - Spanish border to begin my Camino de Santiago. There are two series of pictures I took during The Camino. During the day I tried to take at least one picture of something, though that didn't always go as planned. To see my daily self portraits while I was on the Camino click on the Pilgrim button. To see some pictures I took while we were in Santiago click the Santiago button. Both are available on the navigation bar above. In any event, my Camino began in a small French town named St Jean Pied de Port, one day's hike through the Pyrenees to Roncesvalles, Spain. My first day walking on the Camino was 9 January 2002. I arrived in Santiago on 6 February. It was an incredible journey and I highly recommend it to anyone.