These last few days have been a blur of drinking and getting silly. Last night was exactly the same. The evening of the 7th we were out until about 3:00am. We had been at the snake bar until they kicked our silly asses out at about 1:00am. I had tried to liberate the snakes, but was unsuccessful. We managed to come back to the hostel where we had a few more pivo's and kept the bartender, Andrea, up until 3:00am when we promptly crashed.
The next day, yesterday, I work up my buddies at about 9:00am so we could have some breakfast. Anyway, that night I talked to this Mexican guy and practiced more of my Spanish. It was fun, I was constantly being corrected since I was so wasted. We also met this Irish guy, Pete. He's pretty silly, I woke him up at 10:00am. Anyway, after eating breakfast and hanging out a little bit I decided to walk around.
I managed to do two hikes. The first was a short, but steep, hike to the top of a hill that over looked the town of Cesky. There was also a church there that hadn't been used for quite some time, it was also locked. I was really tired at the top of the hill, and was really sweating. I took a few pictures of the town and rested a little before I made it back down the hill. It was only about 1:00pm by the time I made it to the bottom of the hill so I decided to do a second hike. The second hike was flatter, but had a few hills. I hiked out for 5 km through a few towns before I turned around and headed back to Cesky Krumlov. Hiking was really very nice. The Czech countryside is very beautiful and green.
When I made it back to the hostel I helped Ricardo, this guy in my dorm from Argentina, book a room in Wein. It was fun trying to communicate with Richard and help him out to make a reservation. We managed to get a reservation at a pretty cool hostel so Richard should be sitting pretty. Afterwards Ben, Pete and I went to get something to eat. We tried to get into the gypsy restaurant but were unsuccessful, so we headed down to another place we had eaten before. Afterwards we headed back to the snake bar and hung out there for a few hours and talked to some really wacko people from the States that were drunk and on X. We got pretty sick of them pretty quickly and moved on to other people. Afterwards we went to another bar and hung out until they kicked us out because they were closing. We were all pretty tired and made our way back to the hostel bar and were surprised to find them open. Richard was hanging out in the bar so we hung out and drank beer and talked while Ben and Pete talked to some English people that happened to be there for some reason. This Czech guy showed up later on and was telling me he was the chief of this lost tribe. He was a serious wacko and got offended when I asked where the rest of his tribe was. I didn't realize how pissed off he was until after he left. I managed to track him down in the square to apologize to him for not taking him seriously. Definitely a screw lose about the guy. We stayed up until about 5:00am when the sun was already up. I gotta jet for now and run some errands like pay for my hostel.